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What is STEAM

Student making Robot

STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts (visual, music, dance, and theatre), and Mathematics. But STEAM education is far more than a catchy acronym. It’s a philosophy of education that embraces teaching skills and subjects in a way that resembles real life. In a school setting, STEAM is an integrated approach to learning that encourage students to think more broadly about complex, real-world problems. This interdisciplinary approach has helped create innovations like the original laptop computer, the iPhone, and has revolutionized many industries. It helps students ask questions, connect the dots, problem solve, think creatively, and be innovative.


Why is it Important?

Simply put, STEAM reflects real life. 65% of children entering school now will be working in jobs that don’t even exist yet! One thing we can be certain of is that careers of the future will be interdisciplinary. We live in a time of knowledge and information explosion. We don’t need children to memorize random facts anymore. Our children are our future, and we need them to be able to think deeply and critically, evaluate information, apply knowledge, research, and effectively problem solve. STEAM education empowers students to take thoughtful risks, engage in experiential learning, persist in problem-solving, embrace collaboration, and work through a creative process; all skills needed for success in the real world.

How is it Unique?

The key component of STEAM is integration. STEAM brings context into the classroom by engaging
students in process -based project learning, where they come up with solutions to real world
challenges. STEAM experiences involve two or more standards from Science, Technology,
Engineering, the Arts, and Math to be taught and assessed in and through each other,
simultaneously. Subjects and standards are not taught in isolation. This model mimics the process
that we follow when we solve problems in real life .


Videos regarding STEAM




Steam-flyer  Download



SPANISH steam flyer Download




HMONG-steam-flyer Download